Friday, March 18, 2005

This pic is also taken during the JPA activity, in this game we were divided into 7 groups which is the PARAMEDIC, MANGSA, RELA, POLICE, PENGACAU, WARTAWAN & DOCTOR. The PARAMEDIC were asked to save the MANGSA in an accident without full equipment while the POLICE & RELA were suppose to control the situation. The PENGACAU were asked to disturb everyone while doing their job. During this time, the POLICE & RELA are suppose to work-out to control the situation. By the end of this game, all the MANGSA will be saved & marks in percentage will be given by the JPA staff. Overall, we were tested by the JPA whether do we know how to control an accident situation without full equipment.
from left: jian wei, shaw pei, wern wei & loh
KBR Studio